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Cacao Ceremony

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Cacao Ceremony Experience

For the Mayan culture, the seed of cacao was the Food of the Gods, and it was used to connect with them in ceremonies and rituals. It was considered to be a symbol of status.

In a cacao ceremony, a group of people gets together being thankful and meditating together. A Mayan priest will guide the group and share with everyone a cup of liquid chocolate beans. It is not the traditional chocolate milk that we from the west are used to, but it is quite bitter as it is 100% pure cacao beans. 

During the ceremony, a safe and intimate atmosphere is created, and participants are invited to share what they are thankful for, what they fear, and what their dreams are. After, everyone is invited to dance, this way your heart can move and invoke beautiful desires. 

Cacao ceremonies are good for cardiovascular health, boosting your mood, and avoiding depression. On a spiritual level, they help you to open your heart, connect with yourself, help with mental clarification among others.

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