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21 de January de 2021

Taking amazing pictures with your phone

Taking great pictures for your listing is the best way to make customers choose your property. Why? Because it is the first thing they see, sometimes even before checking if the location of your property suits them. 

Taking into consideration these 5 key tips, you will be able to take amazing pictures or improve the ones that you already have, without taking a photography course or hiring an expert to do it for you. just with your phone.

  1. Phone configuration:

It is important that your phone is set up properly before you take pictures. First of all, you need to turn off the flash. We will talk about lightning in the next step, but remember to do this and take advantage of natural lighting. If the room has a window, use the natural light from outside, if the room is too dark, use lamps. 

You will need to make sure the picture is straight. For this, you can put your phone on a flat surface, but if it is not possible you can always turn on the grids of the camera, this way the pictures are going to be straight and parallel to the floor. 

2. Take into account the lightning:

If you use the light in your favor, you can make your room feel warm and an inviting place to rest and relax. Remember to take your pictures during the day, adjusting the blinds and lamps according to the natural light. As already mentioned, do not rely on flash. 

3. Find the perfect spot to position yourself:

You know your property better than anyone else, so find the right place where you should position yourself to take a great shoot. Remember to hold the phone horizontal and straight. Try to center the main furniture on the picture, for example focusing on the sofa in a living room or a bed if it is a bedroom. Remember not to take the picture with the phone above your head, and if needed, get on your knees to get the perfect angle.

4. Show your guests what they can expect from each space:

Take at least 4 or 5 pictures from every space, showing the guests every corner of the room and giving them a 360 look at what they can expect. Include the amenities that guests can find in your property for example dedicated workspace, a barbeque area, or family-friendly furniture like cribs or high chairs.

5. Pay attention to every detail:

Now that you know how to take the pictures and you took half an hour of your time to do it, pay attention to details. Every space should be clean and tidy, it may show special items that you have at your property. Don’t be afraid to add things that may show your guest the personality of your space. If you have pets, stairs, or any special item that may be worth mentioning, remember to take a picture of it and include it as part of your featured things.

Now that you know everything you need to know to make your property unique, what are you waiting for? Take the first step and show us those amazing pictures!