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9 de December de 2020

How to make your guests feel at home

Your guests are not only looking for a place to sleep, they are looking for an experience as well. Here are 5 tips to help you give this little extra and add value to your space:

Tip #1: Think about the design: 

Add thoughtful touches to your space, make it warm and cozy so that reminds your guests about their own home. You don’t need to have a big budget to do so. Just adding some plants, magazines about places to visit in town or pictures that show your personality will work. Consider adding colorful pillows, try to avoid blank spaces with decorations. Choose a color pallet that inspires you and let your imagination do its best.

Tip #2: Provide basic amenities (and a little more):

Guests expect to have the basic amenities to live in a house like cleaning products, equipped kitchen, toilet essentials like toilet paper, shampoo, and towels. But like a great host that you want to be, think of things you can provide which are appreciated such as adding a bowl of fruits, 1 piece of extra linen, umbrellas, or even beach essentials. Every little detail counts and can be the difference between a normal to an amazing experience for the guest. 

Tip #3: Curate each space, especially the bedroom:

The guests will spend more of their time in the bedroom, it is where they will sleep and store personal belongings such as clothes and valuables. Prepare a space for them to be comfy, where they have space for everything, where they can hang clothes and store the luggage. 

You can give them a bedside table, with a book of your choice to read before falling asleep. Remember to add a throw and extra blankets if it may get cold at night. 

Tip 4: Think like a guest:

If possible, prepare your luggage and stay for 2 or 3 nights at your place, this way you will find out which may be missing. Remember that guests may be coming from other countries so they may need plug adapters, or they may have different habits than yours. If you send them a message before their arrival, asking if they drink coffee or tea for breakfast, you will add a special welcoming touch and help them feel at home. A good piece of advice we can give you is to add a manual of the house where you can include wifi passwords, instructions on how to use the appliances, and maybe some suggestions for the best local restaurants!